
Keith Richards plays guitar in POTC:AWE

A guitar-playing pirate? Although some might assume the hook would snap the strings, "Pirates of the Caribbean" production designer Rick Heinrichs was happy to suspend reality while accommodating Keith Richards' cameo in next month's "At World's End." "[Director] Gore [Verbinski] wanted special instruments made for Keith, so me and the prop master, Kris Peck, contacted a friend of ours, Danny Farrington, who designs and builds guitars," Heinrichs said, revealing that the legendary Rolling Stones guitarist will wield his signature instrument in the movie — albeit a dramatically altered version. "We only had a week or so to do this stuff, but we came up with a sea-turtle guitar, as well as a few other period guitars of that time. We were thrilled to have Keith play them. He's in the background [of a scene], fingering away. They're very talented, these pirates." ...