
The 100 page script

It is a 100-page script of "At World's End". Nobody knows if it's real, but there are many theories about it, I would said too many theories, that's why I'm not going to post them here. I'm sure most of you have already heard about this script or even read it.

If you're wondering where it came from, here's the answer: The original source for this script comes from two users on IMDB board who never officially said where this script came from - they simply stated it was the real thing and that they paid "$250 for it" and "not to spread it around and keep it secret". After some time, the "original senders" and everyone who had it (bought or got from friends) decided to share it. Well, my personal opinion is that it might be the first "rough" variant of the script and I'm sure it has changed a lot.

Anticipating is burning every pirates' fan from the inside, but my advice to you - do not download it, do not read it! I have read just a quick summary of it (which you can find here) and if I could turn back time I wouldn't do that :( Well, it's your choice,...



Anonymous said...

Its True i Read The Scrit i dont now wheather it was the same one but one thing is sure is i wish i haddnt but now i think it was just a budget script a ruff draught cause there are many things un creadited for which would be quite big things and.. A Certain character scripted in the script is not too be seen on a cast list from here too the Worlds End :D so if i was you just wait until the movie!! :]] the book wont be long if your here in the uk then you can find out no problem!

burbe said...


can you post that 100-page Script to me, please. I can't get open the file from the link in this site. My e-mail address is m.silventoinen@netti.fi

Thanks :)