
Analysis of the trailer (some "hidden" moments)

There are so many short moments in "At World's End" trailer and it's quite hard to see everything clearly, so I tried to "analyse" the most interesting of them. Here we go:

#1 - Will on Flying Dutchman. This one is quite interesting. Well, If I hadn't read rumors, spoilers and "a famous-100-page" script (a script of "Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End", which has been leaked to the internet in April.07) I would give some theories about this pic, well I can do so, but (WARNING! SPOILERS!) the truth is that in this script, Will pierces Davy Jones' heart and becomes a Flying Dutchman's captain, so this might be an another acknowledgement that script isn't fake.

#2 - Elizabeth: It never would've worked out between us. Look behind Elizabeth! Do you recognize familiar faces ?!? Yep, Murtogg and Mulroy from the first movie ("Curse of Black Pearl" I mean)are back!!!

#3 - Freaky Jack! This one is the most exciting. To tell the truth I hadn't recognize this moment until I watched the trailer slowly and closely. It's Jack!! And he looks like a member of Davy Jones' crew! No rumors and spoilers about this one, just my theories, well I have some variants:
- Jack may really become the servant of Davy Jones
- This might be a scary nightmare of Jack
- This might be Jack's father, not him :)
- Well, maybe Jack made a make up :)
- I remember in one of Johny Depp's interview he said that "there is going to be more than one Jack" - so it may be one of Jack's clones, something like a reflection of what he might have become if he had obeyed Davy Jones.

#4 - A strange figure. That's the most funny - some kind of figure in the cannon :) (tnx to ennanej from IMDB), no ideas on that, if you have - please comment!

That's all! Of course there were some other interesting moments, but I guess any of you can recognise them (like Tia Dalma's pendant - the same one as in Dead Man's Chest)


Anonymous said...

The action figure looks like Beckett!

Anonymous said...

I reckon it looks more like mercer then beckett.

burbe said...


can you post that 100-page Script to me, please. I can't get open the file from the link in this site. My e-mail address is m.silventoinen@netti.fi

Thanks :)