

Ahoy, mates! This blog was the part of my life in two last months, but now, when pirates 3 are so close and spoilers/videos/photos/advertisements are almost everywhere in web I guess usability of this blog has exceeded. I really don't want to collect or search for any news, because spoilers follow every step in web, so I don't want to read any of them and don't want to find out anything about third pirates now (even reviews), that's the reason! You have to understand me - I just don't want to ruin the day when I'll see the movie I've waited such a long time!!! And my advice to you - just shut the idea of getting all sorts of information about this movie - just wait a bit - just one day - and you will finally see it and feel it!!!
Tnx for everyone who have found this blog useful!

PS> But stil, I'll post Pirates' box-office results, news about movie's DVD release and rumors about sequels in future, so don't think this blog is dead, but now it is, mmm, sleeping :)
PPS> Sorry for my English, it's not my first language :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dont do that, keep posting!!!

Crystal said...

Good idea... I did the same thing. WAIT! Why am I here now! I was avoiding the internet! AHHHH!! Well, enjoy the movie, and I'll look forward to your return. :)

Anonymous said...

this is such a good blog, i will really miss it while it is sleeping! thanks for all the good information, you really helped!

Anonymous said...

The movie was fantastic... I wanna see it again and again. This Blog was very useful
Thanks (y)
Keep up the good work!!!

Anonymous said...

So they are no more updates huh so good i can the movie on the weekend.

Anonymous said...

thanks,dude,u r the best!
c u in POTC4

Anonymous said...

i love this blog!! its great!!
Thanks for giving it too us!
i hope theres another pirates but they better include Johnny Keira Orlando other whys itll be a bit Sh!t!

Anonymous said...

Cool it was AWESOME i feel like watching it a second time.

Anonymous said...

awww....man ill miss ur page =]

Anonymous said...

Oh, Its a really nice Blogg!, Im going to miss your page too!, and take care dear captan Jack, until next Pirates of the Caribbean! (this isnt my leaguaje too XD, sorry)

Anonymous said...

Loved pirates 3. loved the blog.